My First Noro

Once upon a time, I used to stay up really, really late playing computer games. These days, I'm up really late knitting. No one is ever allowed to accuse me of being addicted to computer games unless they say I'm addicted to knitting too. All that time I used to play World of Warcraft is now taken up by yarn and needles. I'm still wearing my wrist brace though.

It is 3 am my time and yes, I have been up all night playing with my new yarn and new patterns. I went to my knitting group today and visited the yarn store. I went in there with two projects in mind and came out with yarn for one of those projects and an entirely different project. I need a job so I can spend my money on yarn. I mean, I need a job so I can pay for food and other important things. And also yarn. Lots and lots of yarn.

I left Borealis with 2 skeins of Noro Kureyon for Earthtone Wristwarmers for me and one skein of Atacama by Araucania for a lace hat. As soon as I got home, I started casting on both projects. I, uh, don't cast on in public. My friends would likely be mortified and I would be embarrassed. Anyway, I adore the Atacama, but the lace pattern kicked my ass. I will give it another go tomorrow when I'm more awake.

I also adore the Noro, but I'm doubting the wisdom of using it for something that's meant to be tight up against my skin. It's lovely yarn but I'm afraid it's a bit itchy for wrist warmers. I haven't decided if I should just knit it up anyway and see how it is, or if I should just find another pattern. At the moment, I'm leaning towards knitting and making a decision when I can actually try a wrist warmer on. Yes, it's a lot of work wasted if I decide to frog it, but hey, I'm a process knitter. I can get away with stuff like that while maintaining my sanity.

Two more things before I try to get some sleep...

1) I love my knitting group. I count the days until the next meeting. Maybe this says something about how sad my social life is, or how obsessive I've become about knitting, but it makes me happy so it can't be all bad. Three days until our next Stitch n' Bitch!

2) It's April 5th and there's a fresh inch of snow on the ground. Go Minnesota weather.


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