Shayzani's Scarf of Conciliation

One of my other hobbies is World of Warcraft. I used to be into it pretty hardcore a year ago, but since I learned to knit I haven't been playing as much. This prompted a conversation between my guild leader, Shayzani, and myself that ended with the following sentence:
“When am I going to be the beneficiary of your knitting instead of its victim?”
Thus, Shayzani's Scarf of Conciliation was born (Ravelry link)!

Shay made a tooltip for it. I think it needs some Frost Resistance, but I think he'd rather have the tanking stats.

I used the Moguls Scarf pattern from KnitPicks. The pattern was easy, but it took me forever to knit. I need to work on my speed, I think! I like the way it turned out though and so does my cat Kate. She insisted on posing with the scarf as I was taking pictures of it as it was drying.

The plan is to get the scarf in the mail this weekend. Once it's been de-cathaired, of course. Next up, finishing my sister's Reverie (Ravelry link) and my grandmother's afghan (Ravelry link).

In other knitting-related news, I got a new job at Borealis Yarns!


Brian said...

I too hope my eventual request will have stats on it. But more like DPS stats.

Gosh, its clear where I know you from.

I mean.. I hope the... uh... yarnwork is very...


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